Here is the Bio of the Dude
Kevin W. Juergensen

Born in 1957 in San Pedro, Cal. a small fishing town known as the Port of
Los Angeles.
Began diving at age 17 using a single J-valve tank borrowed from a friend
with a Voit regulator. No b.c., no pressure gauge, no octopus. When you
couldn't breathe any more, you flipped the J-valve, and got out of the
Current Certifications: NAUI (Open Water Weenie) - TDI (Technical Mixed
Gas) - NACDS (Technical Closed Circuit Mixed Gas Rebreather) NMRA
(Technical Closed Circuit Mixed Gas Rebreather).
Educated in New York at the Rochester Institute of Technology, School of
Photography. A.A.S. Medical Photography, B.S. Biomedical Photographic
Communications, B.F.A. Film.
Emmy Award winner, documentary production.
Has produced over 30 films. Current work "Secrets of the Deep" with
partner, John McKenney - the subject of much of the writers creative ideas,
and the foil of many of his jokes.
Hobbies: Diving, spending money on dive equipment, writing stories about
dive adventures, and chasing his 22 year old girlfriend around the kitchen
Current config: BioMarine CCR-155 - AGA Full Face Mask with DiveMatics
modified Dive Surface Valve to accomodate open circuit second stage (also
DiveMatics) - SeaPro Sea Tech B.C. with lots and lots of "D" Rings - 23 cu.
ft. composite bailout bottle - US Divers equipment making up the balance of
gear (hey, they sponsor us...).
Favorite dive places: Solomon Islands (lots of unexplored wrecks and
beautiful reefs), Galapagos (tons of fish, and whale sharks).
Favorite Divers: John McKenney (who is my hero as well as partner), , Dick King ('cause he owns BioMarine, and keeps me stocked with spare parts),
Tracy Robinette (who makes my weird custom gear, and who put me on the internet), and Falco (since he was the only guy to try and feed sardines to a Great White with bare hands).
Personal Quote: It's true that "divers do it deeper", but tech divers do
it with bigger equipment...
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